2 Samuel 13: 1-29.
There is always a time in our lives we need to account for. There may not be something serious or uncommon about it. It could also be a very serious event. But somehow, it must be opened up for people to know what exactly happened. That is what happened to Prince Amnon and Princess Tamar, King David’s children.
As the story went, Amnon was sickly in love for, not with, Tamar. He allowed this infatuation to make him lose his human senses and became sick temporarily. After some persuasion, he told his friend Jonadab what was making him sick. And the way out of the issue was planned. The Prince would pretend to be sick. Then he would send for his sister Tamar to come and prepare a meal for him. So he would use the meal as a means to lure her into his love and do what his heart craved for. And that was what Prince Amnon did.
King David was innocently involved in this matter. He came to see his son Amnon, who told him he was sick. Then he sent Tamar to the house of Amnon to take care of him. There was nothing wrong with David’s action. Yes, nothing absolutely was wrong with what David did. He acted as a father who cared for his children.
“So Tamar went to her brother Amnon’s house, and he laid down. And she took flour, and kneaded it, and made cakes in his sight, and did bake the cakes.
“And she took a pan and poured them out before him , but he refused to eat . And Amnon said, ‘Have out all men from me. And they went out every man from him’ “.v.8-9.
Amnon thereafter forced his sister to what had never been heard of in Israel, family sexual immorality. An incest. He sadly drove the girl away after abusing her from the house and locked it up. What a shame by the Prince against his own Princess!
“And I , whither shall I cause my shame to go? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel. Now, therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king ; for he would not withhold me from thee” v13.
In any case, the plea by Tamar went to the winds as Amnon held to her and ravished her.
The development is no doubt a sad story, to say the least. A prince of Israel sexually takes a daughter of his father, his very own sister, to bed. That was the incident. And the whole Israel was unsettled because it was unheard of. There was lamentation in Israel as nobody would hear the story without a cry , at least, for Tamar. But what did God do?
He placed a curse in the house of the king . And that curse stipulated that that sin would remain a moral lapse in the house of David. I believe you are hearing it and reading it with your understanding. So even unto this day, the curse still goes on. The incident gave the devil a remarkable boldness to lure the children of God into this kind of sin.
This is the situation some of us find ourselves. We partake of family curses that have nothing to do with us or nothing to do with our own actions. We are part of it because we belong to that family lineage. No matter how smart and clean we try to live our lives, these family afflictions find a way into our lives because of what someone in our lineage did thousands of years ago.
However, the regeneration of man by the blood of Jesus Christ had given man a clear source of escape from all sins. Not just the sin of sexual immorality, but all sins. Before our Maker, no sin is greater than another. All sin is sin.
My dear friend, I believe that you are aware that Jesus came into this world with the mission of saving human beings from the power of SIN. While the power of sexual sin is one, that of other sins is another. Every one of them has been blotted out from the account of human beings and has been forgiven. All you have to do to break this yoke of sin over your head is to come to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and accept a way out by accepting Him as Lord and Saviour. This is when we can escape the generational curses we find ourselves partaking of through no fault of ours and be delivered from the power of sin.
What are you waiting for? Repent and come to the knowledge of God. And thou shall be saved in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Thank you for taking this bold step. I encourage you to look for a Bible believing Church around you and share the testimony of your salvation so they can help you in your growth as a believer. God bless you.
Pastor Luke Okoro can be reached via phone +2348051000462.