The Time To Explode


Luke 5:1-11.

The period upon which to lay your options with God is limitless. The choice however belongs to you : to know the appropriate time to do so. The time to do it also dependent on you because, though limitless, it has the tendency of being appropriate or inappropriate.
So when the LORD Jesus Christ saw Peter and his fishmen colleagues washing their instruments and told them to allow Him use their facilities for preaching, they did not object, though they had closed for the day. They must have respected him because He was not used to the environment. In any case, they gave Him space to do His preaching.
” Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon , Launch out unto the deep , and let down your nets for a draught.
” And Simon Simon answering said unto Him , Master, we have toiled all the the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
” And when they had this done , they inclosed a great multitude of fishes : and their net brake” Luke 5:4-6.
As the LORD had said, they let down the net and caught a multitude of fishes from the river which didn’t yield even a single fish previously. The amount of fishes caught were so much that they had to call upon their colleagues to come and help them drag out the draught. That cannot be said to be a coincidence. It was a miracle. And Peter knew it.
“When Simon Peter saw it , he fell down at Jesus ‘ knees , saying, Depart from me ; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”v8.
No doubt he was astonished at what had happened following the trapping of the fishes. But that is how God in His infinite mercies does His things. He makes them clean and decent, and without confusion except for those whose want to create one.
I’m sure you have seen the difference between a deed done by the LORD Jesus Christ and the one done by mere men, ordinary men. And they recognized it.
Now I want to ask you a question . What is your view about the development? Do you think our LORD Jesus Christ was showing just a miracle? Or He was doing it to show them the power He had? Or He was doing it to speak to them profoundly? Well I don’t know what your answer to that was, but I want to state that our LORD Jesus Christ did it to demonstrate His authority.
There are several people who are walking around looking for where to keep their heads because they are can’t hold it up again. They have been tried out because they are in search of one thing or another. Therefore they are tired and so they feel abandoned and helpless. But dear, I don’t know if you are among these kind of people. You are at the healing centre . Yes, the LORD will grant you favour this hour and you will leap for joy. Amen.
Think of a number of issues that you want to seek out and find answers to. Maybe you are in search of a job? Or you are looking for a higher level at your job? Or in search of an appropriate appointment for your qualification? Or a man / woman to be married to? These are legitimate needs or demands which heaven asked us to pray for. Have you looked up to God in heaven to ask Him?
Many people are out there looking for answers to their problems in inappropriate places.They are falling down , going up, and asking questions about things that never existed. They are looking for solutions from people who need solutions themselves. They are confused and lost in their minds about what the way forward is. I want to encourage you to sit back and look up to heaven because that is where the answer will come from. The same God who answered Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will answer you, and grant you rest that goes beyond understanding in Jesus name. Amen.
As we speak, the LORD Jesus saw the crisis that Simon Peter and his fellow fishermen had. And He came forth and gave to them an answer . He will also answer you , in Jesus name.

Pastor Luke Okoro can be reached at +2348051000462.

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