THE Red Card Movement turned two months old on March 14. Since it started on the January 14, 2018 on Twitter and gained momentum, its co-conveners and task team members have been working on a number of initiatives and tools that will be used to achieve its vision and mission.
According to the posting on the Facebook wall of Dr, Tony Akubuno, there are eight critical initiatives to be executed in three phases before the 2019 elections.
These are:-
PHASE ONE: Commencing March 13th 2018
1. #OfficeOfTheCitizen.
2. #RedCardToAPCAndPDP.
3. #MyPVCMyRedCard.
PHASE TWO: Commencing March 27th 2018
4. #CitizensLeadershipCriteriaTool.
5. #CitizensElectableNigeriansRoaster.
6. Before The People: A Dialogue between Political Parties And Citizens.
7. Citizens’ Manifesto – A New Social Contract aka “#NewNigeriaOfOurDream”
PHASE THREE: Commencing May 1st 2018.
8. Public Debates.
Further to the eight programs highlighted above, a cross cutting initiative in all the PHASES is our Data, Information, Research and Knowledge engagement program.