DJ Kuppy
DJ Cuppy has expressed her vuews on sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and in Nigeria as a whole.
DJ Cuppy was a guest at the Pulse studio on Tuesday, November 8, 2017, where she spoke about succeeding in a male-dominated industry, relationships with other female artist and sexual harassment in the Nigeria entertainment industry.
When asked about the new revelations of sexual harassment scandals biting the Hollywood industry and if there are incidents like that in the Nigeria entertainment industry, DJ Cuppy gave her own view which she felt would be a very horrible experience.
“This is such a sensitive thing over here, it’s more like a taboo, even outside the entertainment industry there is so much domestic abuse going out there and people don’t confront it. I definitely can imagine if that goes on for entertainment, it must be really horrible to go through I can’t imagine how painful it is to go through that” she told Pulse.
“Imagine feeling trapped like they aren’t going to play my music anymore or I’m not going to get bookings or shows anymore just because I’m exposing that person, that must be horrible. Its tough but I feel like things are changing, we are really modernizing slowly as a society and I feel like anyone going through this might get more support than they think” she further said.